About adaptaflask


Our Story

You know what it’s like. You’re headed out on a road trip and just can't fathom leaving the house without your water bottle.However, you think of the amount of hours you will hear clunk clunk. The horrible sound of your water bottle rolling around on the floor of the car.  Well, that was me. In June of 2020, my boyfriend and I were headed out on a road trip from Texas to Colorado. I had been carrying my Hydro Flask with me everywhere for the past 3 months. I didn't want to have to leave it at home. I thought to myself, there had to be a better way to travel in the car with my water bottle. Then it hit me and the Adaptaflask was born. 

After spending days and weeks building, creating a design that would not only fit our bottles, but would stay stable when we took turns in the car. Once our prototype was made, I made a quick post on social media. I wanted to show my friends and family what we had created.  The reaction I received was overwhelming. Everyone wanted one. It was then that I realized what an actual problem this was. I set up shop and got to work. Now we are sending Adaptaflasks all over the world.


- Mic


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